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Venue and directions

The meeting will take place at the Merkin Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics located on the 8th floor of Caltech Hall.


Links to many campus maps are available on the main Caltech site. Situated in the heart of Pasadena at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains, Caltech's 124-acre campus is 10 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles and approximately 30 miles from the ocean.


Both the Caltech and JPL campuses are readily accessible by car, shuttle, bike, and public transit.


Caltech campus visitors may park in any commuter (unreserved) stall on campus with a daily or weekly permit. Visitor permits are required in all campus lots between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and may be purchased at automated pay stations within the lots. View the campus map for parking locations. 

Local Accommodations

There are numerous hotel options close to campus. See a list of local establishments, many of which provide special rates for Caltech guests and/or shuttle service to campus.
